Wednesday, June 24, 2009

The Lost Profiles: Sawyer

I apologize for always forgetting to do this.

But anyway...this week's lost profile is the hottness of...


Name: James "Sawyer" Ford A.K.A Jim Lefleur

Played By: Josh Holloway

Age: 39

From: Knoxville, Tennessee

Profession: Con-man

Relationship Status: In a relationship with Julliet Burke

Children: A daughter, Clementine, from a past relationship

Why he was in Australia: He wanted to kill the man that was responsible for his parent's death only to find out his partner had conned him into killing a man who owed him money, and the real Sawyer was still out there.

People he came into contact with before the crash:
  • Boone: They were both arrested while in Austraila, and both sent to the same police station
Other people he is connected to from flight 815:
  • Kate: He once visited the diner where her mother worked at
  • Jack: He once encountered Jack's father at an Australian bar
Life after the Oceanic 6 leave the island: He, along with some others, join the Dharma Initiative, while waiting for the others to come back to the island, where he makes up a lie and becomes Jim Lefleur and becomes the head of security. He, along with the others that joined the DI, make new lives for themselves, where they end up staying for 3 years, and he builds a romatic relationship with Julliet.

*Most of my information comes from Wikepedia so let me know if I missed something*

Next time around: Sun

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