So lets get to it shall we?
Jon and Kate Plus 8

This is also how it is with Kate, of course. Even when she took the kids to the party store to get supplies for their birthday party. There the paps were...ready to take pictures of them. Which to me is really rude and inconsiderate. I mean, its not just the adult in this scenario, the children are there too, and its just rude and inconsiderate of them to do that. But that's how they are suppose to be. They are suppose to do whatever they can to get a picture, even if it means being rude and inconsiderate. I also feel sorry for Kate for having to put the whole party together, by herself, and to have to deal with 8 kids all by herself. Like, I know Jon is going through something and he needs a break, but seriously!?
The other half of the episode what celebrating the sextuplets 5th birthday. And of course they were so freakin' adorable the whole time. Those are the one's I feel sorry for the most. They are so innocent and they don't really know what is going on because they are so young. All they probably know is that Mommy and Daddy are fighting and they aren't together in the same place as much so they don't see one of them as much as the other at a given time. I just hope that one day they will understand and wont have hatred toward one parent or whatever. I really hope that Jon and Kate can make things work for the kids and I hope they are able to overcome this thing. I mean, they just renewed thier wedding vows and bought a new house so I hope it wasn't all for nothing. I'm one that doesn't understand how you can just not make your relationship work if you really truely love the other person. I think that if you really love the other person you can make it work, you just have to try really hard. And if it doesn't, you didn't try hard enough.
But anyway, I noticed the show went over the allotted time slot of one hour by like almost 15 mins. But I was glad that when it did end both Jon and Kate were eating a meal together with their children.
The Hills

Here are my thoughts of this bullet points :)
- I think Kelly was a bitch to Stephanie. Stephanie was trying to be nice to her and all Kelly could do was be rude. I mean, she could of at least pretended to be nice back to her.
- I think Brody was being an ass about the whole Audrina/Jayde ordeal. I understand that Jayde is his girlfriend and he loves her, but Audrina has been his friend for years. I think he should have been the middle man and tried and make things right between the two of them. But whatever!
- I also think Spencer was being an ass when Heidi asked him from the bottom of her heart, to apologize to Lauren. But I'm glad he did end up doing it. It probably wasn't sincere but at least he did it for Heidi because he loves her and I'm sure he really did want to show her he's changed.
I'm glad Lauren decided to go to the wedding so I'm excited to see what happens. It also looks like Spencer talks to Heidi's mom about what's going on between them, and something Heidi's sister is upset about Spencer. Oh, the drama =)

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