So tonight is what all Hills fans have been waiting for...the Heidi/Spencer wedding which marks the season finale. As far as episodes go, this one was pretty good. It was a good season finale. Although, this season was short lived.
Here are my thoughts in bullet form...
- First of all I'm sad that Lauren is no longer going to be on the show but if she feels like its time for her to move on, then it's time for her to move on. She's had a great run, with being in Laguna Beach and The Hills, and if I were her I would also feel like its time for me to move on with my life. She's just outgrown being a reality star and thats cool. It happens. The show just wont be the same without her.
- Although the show wont be the same without Lauren, it looks like Kristen will bring some drama. I never really liked Kristen all that much but I'll still watch (at least the first episode) the show. I mean this whole show is basically a bunch of drama, and we all know Kristen will bring a lot to the show. I, as probably many people, find drama entertaining, when it's not involving me of course. And wtf was up with Kristen wearing the same color as Lauren? MTV didn't set that one up at all... And that smirk on her face when she walked into the church...seriously!?
- Heidi probably should have picked Stephanie as her maid of honor. I understand that Holly is her sister and everything but she was not a very good maid of honor. She showed up late for the bachelorette party, didn't write down information for the thank you cards, she made a scene at the rehearsal dinner, and that speech...wtf was up with that speech? And how can you say throwing food at someone is not rude!? Seriously!? Even if its just a joke, that is rude, especially it being at a wedding rehearsal dinner. I agree with Spencer this time. And I don't blame Heidi for getting mad about it landing on her purse. I would get mad too. Even though it was a tiny spot, it was still a spot nonetheless on a very expensive new purse. Holly had to of been drunk at the rehersal dinner because she was definatly acting up.
- Brody was being a little bit mean to Spencer. I kinda felt bad for him for a second. I think he is honestly trying to change, but its not going to happen over night. It's going to take a lot of time. I just think Brody was being a little bit too harsh on Spencer.
- I'm glad Spencer made things right with Heidi's mom. He can't get married to someone and not get along with her mom.
- I'm glad that Lauren did decided to go to the wedding. I really hope someday her and Spencer really bury the hatchet and her and Heidi become best friends again. I know...it's wishful thinking. Although I'm not surprised that Lauren left right after the wedding. But it was a good "send off" for her.
- I was actually kinda surprised that Brody and Jayde were seen at Lauren and Lo's party considering Audrina was there. Maybe they have all buried the hatchet??
What were your thoughts on the season finale?
Considering this was a special night, with The Hills being on a Sunday night, the MTV Movie Awards were also on.
First of all, I'm sooooo glad Miley Cyrus won for best song in a movie. The Climb is one of her best songs and she totally deserves this award. Not to mention she looked beautiful...but doesn't she always?
And another thing I loved about the show...Shia LeBeouf looks soooo hot! And that preview for Transformers looked so good! I can't wait til it comes out to theaters! Speaking of previews...Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince preview also looked sooo good. And Danial Radcliff was really funny when he was announcing it. I love Harry Potter and I can't wait to go see the new movie with my grandma and cousins, like we do every year a Harry Potter movie comes out. I'll have to re read the book first! So while were on the topic of previews, how about that Twilight, New Moon, preview. I've seen the first one, and it was alright. I didn't think it was the best movie I've ever seen. I've never read the books, but I plan to, and I'm sure the book will be so much better than the movie. I'll definatly read the New Moon book before I see the movie.
Since were on the topic of Twilight, and I know I'll probably get a lot of stuff about this, but I don't think they deserved all the awards they won. I think the reason they won all those awards was because of all the teeny boppers that watched that movie. They voted based on looks, whatever, but they really didn't vote based on what the award was. For example, I think the only reason Robert Pattinson won breakthrough male was because all the teenage girls thinks he is hot. (Which I don't think he is that hot. I think Taylor is hotter.) But I understand why Taylor didn't win breakthrough male. He wasn't in the first movie much. Maybe next year he will win breakthrough performance since he will be in New Moon way more than the first. And I don't think Kristen Stewert was the best actress in the breakthrough actress categroy. And why was she acting so awkward in front of the camera...not to mention the whole dropping her award thing?? I really don't think they deserved the best movie award. The movie was not nearly as good as the book (so I've been told) and it wasn't the best movie in general. I've never seen The Dark Knight, but I have heard that movie was fantastic, so I think The Dark Knight should have won for best movie. And there were way better kisses that were nominated for best kiss, then the kiss that Bella and Edward shared. I guess I just don't think movies that aren't to dvd yet, should be nominated. I really don't think its fair. And for best fight...in my opinion, that wasn't the best fight I've ever seen, and I think Pinapple Express should have won.
So anyway, that was my rant for this post...I guess I can talk about some other things...
Like what was up with Zac Efron's hair? I love long hair on men, but that little curly peice of hair in front of his face should have been sweapt off to the side. His hair just really needed trimmed. And what was up with Ben Stillers hair?? Ok, so I guess I needed to rant a little more :P
Another thing...What was up with Eminem and him leaving the show after that skit with Bruno? Was that staged or was Eminem really pissed off?? What are your thoughts?
Anyway, I think I covered everything...If I missed anything please leave a comment. What did you all think of the awards?

I think the most interesting part was with Eminem. I don't think that was staged. I mean, you can stage some stuff, but a guy's crotch in your face? Ehh... lol. He did get into that fight with Triumph the Comic Insult Dog one year too. Ha. I didn't watch the 2nd half though.